Other surnames sharing the B400 Soundex code:
Ballew Association of America
The Ballew Family Association Members Site at My (membership required). Contact Paul Ballew for membership information.
Ballew Hall at Mississippi State University,
Starkville, Mississippi
Ballew Name And Genealogy The
Ballews and related families: Origin of Name, Coat of Arms, and
Across America Genealogy Page by Gwen Edmonds.
B. Ballew's Ancestry Home Page
Ballew Genealogy Page by B. Ballew on Geocities
Ballew Resource Page at RootsWeb
 Ballew Clan Tartan.
The BALLEW family tartan is shown on the left. Through the centuries the BALLEW family was affiliated with many different clans through marriage. The clan BLUE claims the BALLEW family as a sept or directly affiliated family, entitled to clan rights including the use of the clan tartan shown here. The BALLEW family first appears in the records of Cheshire where they were recorded as an ancient Cheshire family before the year 1100. The notable BALLEW family is shown in the ancient manuscripts and cartularies as tracing their ancestry to Norman origin. The most ancient BALLEW family Coat of Arms was recorded between the 12th and 15th centuries.
Components of the BALLEW Family Name Coat of Arms:
The Shield is: Silver background on a red stripe at top three silver five leafed clovers.
The Crest is: A fox head.
The motto is: " Vita et pectore puro"
Ballews Whose Father's Name Was Ballew
Add Your Name Here By Email To: Ron Ballew
Allen Ballew General
Contractor, Inc. Ballew's
Aluminum Products Inc. www.BALLEWS.COM Greenville, South
Carolina. Aluminum Carport/Patio Covers, Awnings, Canopies,
Screen Rooms, Mobile-Home Roof-Overs, & Flat Sheets/Sign
Anthony Robert Ballew Son of Thomas James Ballew and Sue Ann Hicks of Coffeyville, Kansas. Thomas James was the son of Thomas Alva Ballew - and that's as far back as it goes. Grandpa Ballew's father was some pioneer that allegedly married a "Cherokee squaw" but I can find no documentation of same. If anyone can help I'd appreciate further on Thomas Alva Ballew. (Checked in October 24, 1999).
B. A. Ballew
Into Genealogy. Home page is at
B. Ballew's Ancestry Home Page
Bob Ballew & Associates
www.BALLEW.COM (dba-Panther City Software) in Fort Worth, TX.
Brian Ballew I reside in the New Orleans area as a renovation contractor. My dad's name was Stanford Huston Ballew. Most of my family originates from the central Mississippi area. For more information please email me. Thanks.
(Checked in October 30, 1999).
Bryan Ballew EMail only.
"My grandfathers name was Harold Ballew. He passed away in
the early 70's. He was married to Martha Lee. They had two
daughters and three boys, Martha, Billy, Robert, Ronnie and
Harold. My name is Bryan Ballew. My father is Robert. We all live
in Saint Petersburg, FL., and have for at least the last 60 years."
(Checked in on January 13, 1998)
Burney W. Ballew Memorial to My
Dad, May 19, 1919 - February 14, 1998.
Catherine Ballew Clark EMail only.
"Hi, I am Catherine Ballew Clark, presently from Terre Haute IN. My Father is
Lealon H. Ballew from Deer creek IN., his Father was Jack Andrew Ballew from
Clarksville GA., his Father was Noah Jacob Ballew (having trouble with
information on him and his wife) was told the following, Noah Jacob's Father
was Noah E. Ballew (Doc), his Father was Noah Ballew b. 1816 married to
Jersusha Hilbrun, Noah's Father was Jacob Ballew b. 1757 - d. 1866. married
to Polly Center. That is as far as I have been able to go. If anyone has more
information to share, much thanks"(Checked in on February 24, 2002)
David Lee (Dave) and
Dixie Lee Peterson Ballew http://www.HOUSEOFBALLEWS.COM,
Glendale, CA., featuring Egg Shell Art by Dixie and good graphics
by Dave. David is a Senior Consultant and Dixie is an artist.
David Wayne Ballew, My cousin, Dr. David Ballew, Ph.D., CCP,
Professor, University of Illinois, Computer Science Department,
Graduate Committee Chairperson, Western Illinois University.
EMail: David Ballew
Dewey G. Ballew, DDS
EMail only. Broken Arrow, Ok. Dentist. Ballew Family Association
of America invites you to attend a reunion in Tahlequah, Ok June
26 & 27, 1998. This meeting will deal primarily with Family
lineages and pedigree charts of Ballews (all spellings),
including surnames connected to the Ballews. For more information
contact me at E-Mail above or write 421 N Main, Broken Arrow, OK
74012. Very neat WEB page, Ron. Thanks, Dewey.
Jamison (Jamie) Dain Ballew , Morrison TN. "I was born in Atlanta in Feb of '71. My fathers name is Daniel Lynn Ballew, born in Copperhill, TN in 1949. His father was Ham Tedo Ballew, born in Copperhill, TN. He had a brother named Jack, and Otto, and a sister named Polly and Hootie? who lived in Florida, and some went to Ohio? That's all I remember, but his dad was Jesse James Ballew, a preacher at Hot House Baptist Church in Mineral Bluff GA. He married a Bell, and had a brother named Jack and Otto. I have tried to e-mail Jesse James Ballew Jr. in CA but I can't reach him." (Checked in on January 16, 2000)
Jenny Ballew My daughter, Graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University (OBU), Shawnee, Oklahoma. Teaching in Lawton, OK.
Jessie James Ballew EMail only. Oxnard, CA. My father's name was Harvey Jack Ballew,
his father was Jesse James Ballew. Consequently, my name is Jesse James Ballew. I'm a retired Navy Master Chief living in Oxnard,
CA. If you could point me in the right direction regarding researching my family, I would certainly appreciate it.
John C. Ballew My youngest boy, Graduate of the University of Oklahoma (OU), Norman, Oklahoma. Now working for a government contractor in Midwest City, OK.
Judy Ballew My wife, Contract Specialist, Directorate of Contracting (DOC), Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
Kenneth Ballew EMail only. "I am from Missouri and my Great Great
Grandfather, George W. Ballew, came from Virgina. in 1838. His father was Charles, and his grandfather was Leonard Ballew."
Can you change my email from to Thanks
(Checked in on June 27, 1998, updated email address December 23, 2005)
Matt Ballew EMail only.
"My name is Matt Ballew. My father's name is Ronald Ballew
also. My mother's name was Lynan Kowalke Ballew. She died January
5, 1998. My brother's name is David Ballew and my sister's name
is Shannon Ballew. My cousin, who is also listed, is Bryan Ballew.
We live in Saint Petersburg, FL. My dad works at Optek and David
is attending St. Petersburb Junior College." (Checked in on
January 25, 1998)
Matthew E. Ballew or
Home EMail only.
"What information would you like to add someone?"(Checked in on February 25, 2000)
Monika Ballew My fathers name is Ronald Edwin Ballew. My father lives in Eureka, CA. I live in Napa, CA. Our family is originally from Oklahoma and before that from France. Family legend has it that anyone who spells their last name the way we do is related. Considering how many Ballew's there are in the United States, I would be surprised if this were actually the case. I would love to hear from you and other Ballew Families to compare stories and ancestors. (Checked in November 3, 1999).
I already have a posting but would like to update the email information. Monika Ballew can be reached at, Ron Ballew can be reached at I would also like to add a link to our home page, if it's possible.
Monika Lyn Ballew's Genealogy Home Page Thanks, Monika(Updated January 21, 2002)
Paul Ballew Buford, GA , 30519. Banker/DP Manager. Into Genealogy. Home page is the Home
of the Ballew Family Association of America. at I am the treasurer and one of the founders of the Ballew Association of Am. 4227 Sandy Branch Dr, Buford, GA , 30519, Home 770-932-8496 " (Checked in November 11, 1997).
My grandfather was David BALLEW of Morgan County Alabama. He was born about 1791 in VA and Died 1839 in Morgan County. He was a major in the war of 1812 and served several terms as the Sheriff of Morgan County. I would like to find his father or other relatives. Thanks. ( Updated January 14, 2000).
I need to update my information with the new address on your site. *Notice* New Address: Thank You, Paul Ballew, 4227 Sandy Branch Dr, Buford, GA , 30519, Home 770-932-8496 (Updated May 6, 2005).
Ray C. Ballew Jr. (Chuck)"My
family has lived for four generations in Greenville, SC. My great
grandfather was James Ervin Ballew. His son was Clinton Monroe
Ballew. My father is named Ray Charles Ballew. I am glad to see
this web site." Home Page is at www.BALLEWS.COM Greenville,
South Carolina (Checked in February 24, 1998).
Richard Allen Ballew Memorial
to My Brother, September 6, 1946 - December 25, 1998.
Ron Ballew, Lawton, OK www.BALLEW.ORG, Supply
Systems Analyst at Reynolds Army Community Hospital (RACH),
Logistics Division, Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
Ron Ballew, Florence, Oregon. Hi, I’m another Ron Ballew, living in Florence Oregon. Catch my blog at
Troy Ballew
Troy works for the Public School System in Marshall, Missouri (pop
Will Ballew My oldest boy. Graduated
from the University of Oklahoma (OU), Norman, Oklahoma, with a
degree in Chemical Engineering in May 1998. Working for Circle K in Lawton, OK.
William Lee Ballew "Hello.
My name is William Lee Ballew of Cullman, AL. I am trying to do a
family history of the Ballew's of my line and would appreciate
any information that you might have. My line of Ballew's came
from Georgia, with my great grandpa being Charlie Ballew. Thanks
for all of your help and time. (Checked in November 23, 1998).
Ballews Whose Maiden Name Was
Ballew Add Your Name Here By Email To: Ron Ballew
Brenda Ballew Griffin
EMail only. Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Office Manager. I am
researching my Ballew lineage surnames: Ballew, Mull, Carlile,
Comstock, Freeland, Connelly, Catron, Hilderbrand, Nancy Ward,
Carter, and many more to list. I am a member of the Ballew Family
Association of America and currently an officer, Vice President
of Reports and assistant to Research Coordinator. The Ballew's in
Oklahoma are hosting a Geneological Reunion in June 26 & 27,
1998. For more information you can e-mail me. I'm sure we are
shirt-tail-kinfolks Ron Ballew. You have an excellant web page.
Thank you. Brenda (Checked in November 27, 1997)
Constance Ballew Johnson
Found your page and wanted to add our branch to it. My father, Harold Ballew, was raised in Howard County, Missouri. His father was William Weldon Ballew, whose parents were Cyrus Walker Ballew and Gabrielle (Gabie) Shipp Ballew. He is related to Gradys and Stanleys on his mother's side. Would enjoy gathering and sharing more genalogical information. (Checked in January 3, 2000).
Lou Ann Ballew Wilkinson Saw your address looking for my father's family. So far only go back to great-grandpa, Ira Ballew of Commerce, Georgia. About mid to late 1800's. If you have any clues drop me a line. (Checked in October 25, 1999).
Ballews Whose Mother's Name Was Ballew
Add Your Name Here By Email To: Ron Ballew
William K. Calicott, E-Mail only.
My mother's name is Genelle Wynn (Ballew) Calicott. Doing research on the Ballew's. (Checked in on January 30, 2000).
Gwen Edmonds, My cousin, Registered Nurse (RN), San Diago,
California. Home site for
Ballews Across America Genealogy Page.
James S. Long, EMail Only,
My cousin, Computer consultant, Norman, Oklahoma.
Sandee , EMail Only, Dear Ron, My name is Sandee. I live in Seldovia, Alaska. I am looking for relatives. My grandmother's maiden name was Roxie Lu Ballew and she was from North or South Carolina ... Her father's name was John W. ballew ... and her mother's name was Sarah Gray ... I know she had brothers and sisters ... she was born in 1910 in Rising Fawn, Georgia ... the youngest child .. My email is Sandee Hope to hear from you ... Sandee. (Checked in on October 6, 1999).

Ballew Residence ,ca 1840, 1004 South 11th Street, Oxford, Missisippi, Walking Tours.

Leonard Ballew's homestead, Botetourt County, VA ,
This is the home of Leonard & Sarah Ballew, site of the 1866 robbery described in "The Roanoke Times" on Sunday, Dec. 2, 1937 and reprinted in the "The Ballew Family Journal" in April, 1986. (The door on the right was the door that Leonard came out when he was shot after finding the intruders.) The home, and its 400 acres of farmland, is located in northeast Botetourt County, along the tow path of the once famous James River Canal. The property was willed by Leonard to his daughter Mary Ellen Ballew Stinnett "and her heirs in perpetuity" in 1867. Lindsey (grandson of Mary Ellen) and Brenda Stinnett are the current residents. Photo taken by Thomas Stinnett, Riegelsville, PA, great-grandson of Mary Ellen. Date Taken: July 2000; Place Taken: Buchanan, Botetourt County, VA
Personal Friends of Ballews Who Asked To Be Linked Here
Kelley R. Lawson Friend of Ron Ballew of Lawton, OK. Kelley is a
Finance Clerk at Reynolds Army Community Hospital (RACH) at Fort
Sill, Oklahoma.
Ron's Home,
Updated February 19, 2007 by
Ron Ballew