Latest update on the 2012 Cherokee All Class Reunion -
The first Reunion Meeting will be this Saturday, April 9, 2011, at 10:00 AM, and will be at the Old Turley Methodist Church at 61st & Owasso Ave.
The Tulsa School Board will vote May 2nd on consolidating and closing some Tulsa Schools. They will decide to close Cherokee Elementary School down, or leave it open. This may affect our reunion plans.
(Updated by Phil Billingslea, Cherokee Class of 1959, Chairman of Cherokee Reunion Committee.)
Latest update on the 2008 Cherokee All Class Reunion - Reunion will be held at Cherokee, Saturday May 31, 2008 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. RSVP to Bob Cooper - rccoopersr@gmail.com. More information here Cherokee All Class Reunion - 2008 and here: http://www.geocities.com/turleylog/2008reunion.html
Hi Ron,
giving you an update on the Cherokee Alumni Reunion for 2008, It will be May 31, 2008 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. We have sent out the first mailing and are waiting to see how many are interested in coming before we set a price.
Also on the Turley School Website there are pictures from inside the old 3 story red brick building. If there is a demand for more pictures, I will add more pictures from inside the building.
The Cherokee school Alumni website is: turleyschool.com
Thanks and you have a great New Year.
Phil Billingslea
Hey Ron, We're planing our next Turley Cherokee Alumni Reunion April 5, 2008. I'm in the process of building an official website you can View:
http://www.turleyschool.com Thanks,
Phil Billingslea - Chairman of 2008 reunion, Class of 1959.
August 4, 2005 - Smoke Signals: The Latest NEWS
Turley High School, 1920-2005, original red brick building destroyed August 2005. Get the story here at Bob Cooper's Web Site. Bob is the Historian for Turley, Oklahoma.