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Cherokee Junior High School Class of 1956
Cherokee Class of 1956 in April 2004 at Cherokee Reunion
1st Row: Jackie Francis, Barbara Ball-Harrold, Ann Sisler, Carmaleta Womego, Jerry Houser, Joy West, Jo-Ann Francis, Clara Evans-Scott.

2nd Row: Jerry Roberts, Larry Amos, Charles Whitten, Deanna Jarred, Darrell Brazil, Jim Hinds, J.D. Sanders, Bob Harrold, Wayne Wright, Harley Hunter, Ron Ballew, Jim Meehan, Gary Jones.

Joe Goad and Bob Webb were at the reunion but are not in the picture.

Tom Tom - Cherokee 1954-1955 Year Book 1956 Class List: Just click on my address to leave EMail to to add your name to the 1956 Class list.  Your classmates would like to know something about what you have been doing. Suggested information is: "Living in City, State. Married/Single with x children, x at home. Working as x. Classmates feel free to email me.

Alphabetical Index Last Names -
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Adams, Bobby
Addington, Gene
Adolph, Onie
Allen, Mary
Anderson, Johnny
Anglen, Alice


Ball, Barbara
Ballew, Ronald Living in Lawton, OK. Married with 3 children, 1 at home. Working as Supply Systems Analyst, Reynolds Army Hospital, Fort Sill, OK.

Barnes, Marianne
Barnett, Richard Charles Jr.

Bass, Charlotte (Conley) (not in yearbook picture to the right) Ron, Thank you for making this web page so awesome. I was thrilled to see some of my classmates here. My brother (Henry Bass) and my Mother were able to attend the reunion so I heard from them how exciting it was.
My name is Charlotte Bass Conley. I was in the class of 1956. I married my husband while I was attending Cherokee. We have three children and six grandchildren. We moved to Elkhart, Indiana in 1965 where I returned to school to become an elementary school teacher. I have taught for 27 years...most of that time in first grade. Elsie Rains and I stayed in touch over the years. Considering that she thought of me as marching to my own drummer (:-), she seemed proud when I became a teacher. I was saddened by her death. She was truly an Encourager for her students, even as we grew up and older. I was amazed at how she remembered us all.
I never could attend a reunion because my school schedule just didn't click with the timing. Again I want to thank you for the work you have done for us. Sincerely yours, Charlotte Bass Conley,

Bauer, Barbara
Beal, Larry
Beevers, Mary
Beevers, Melba
Beller, Warren
Bernett, Floyd
Bishop, Danny
Blair, Shirley (not in yearbook picture to the right)
Bodine, Judy
Borden, Mike
Brazeal, Derrill

Bradley, Roy Lee (not in yearbook picture to the right) Hi Ron, from Jerry Hobson. Roy Lee Bradley was a member of Cherokee class of 1956. You're doing an admirable job of keeping the school web sites. Thanks, JH (Updated September 21, 2004))

Bridges, Reba
Brinlee, Larry
Brown, Larry
Brown, Raymond Doug
Bruce, Joyce
Bryant, Audrey
Buckner, Deanne
Bumgardner, Bob
Byington, Benny (not in yearbook picture to the right)


Campbell, Mary Ethel
Clugston, Jerry
Crismon, Margeory
Curry, Joe


Dacus, Jimmy
Dake, Patricia Ann "Pat"
Deatherage, Judy
Demmitt, Richard
Dixon, Mary Ann
Dodson, Joan


Eades, Dickie
Eades, Ilene
Earnhardt, Betty
Ecker, Earline
Ecker, Joyce
Echols, Barbara (not in yearbook picture to the right)
Edwards, Donald

Ellis, Frank
Evans, Cathy
Evans, Clara


Fetterhoff, Alfred
Finch, Douglas Merwin
Francis, JoAnn
Francis, Jackie


Gage, Paul James
Gant, Becky
Gibson, Frankie
Gibson, Tommy
Gifford, Fred Milton

Glance, Deloris
Gleason, Carolyn
Goad, Joe
Greer, Darryl


Hale, Jerry
Hamby, Joy
Hamm, Tommy
Hancock, George
Hardesty, Lloyd Melvin
Harman, Bill
Harper, Peggy Aileen
Harris, Neil

Hart, Allen
Harvey, Margie Maddox (Brown) Married Raymond Brown
Harvey, Pat
Hayman, Pat
Hayward, Larry
Head, Robert
Hendryx, Phyllis
Henson, Dannie
Hickman, Lawrence
Hinds, Jimmy
Hobbs, Jeanne
Hobson, Jerry Hi Ron, from Jerry Hobson. Roy Lee Bradley was a member of Cherokee class of 1956. You're doing an admirable job of keeping the school web sites. Thanks, JH (Checked in September 21, 2004)

Holloway, Jerry
Hope, Becky
Houser, Jerry Leon
Houser, Joe
Hulsey, Pat
Hunter, Harley
Hutchins, Betty Lee



Jarrard, Deanna
Jones, Barbara
Jones, Gary
Jones, Shirley Jane


Kellogg, Jackie (not in yearbook picture to the right)


Lewallen, Alice
Lewallen, James

Lewallen, Johnnie
Lind, Gayland
Lindsey, Bill
Little, Ross
Loyd, Robert
Luster, James


Maddon, Margaret Lucille (MacDonald)
Martin, Peggy
McClure, Jaculyn
McDonald, Dana
McDonald Jean
McDoulette, Margie

McGuire, Judy
McGuire, Robert
Meehan, Jimmy
Medlin, Arvie
Monohan, Mary
Moreton, Donald
Morgan, Barbara
Mullins, Gail
Moody, Gregory



Orf, Joe (not in yearbook picture to the right)


Page, Martha
Petrie, Patricia "Pat"
Pettigrew, Shirley
Pontious, Barbara

Potts, Ronnie
Price, Vallie Myrtle
Priest, Margaret
Pruitt, Jack



Ragle, Gene
Rains, Judy
Roberts, Jerry
Robertson, Regina
Robison, Maxine
Rouze, Donald
Rowland, Shirley
Rumohr, Barbara

Rutledge, Judy


Sanders, J. D.
Saunders, James
Scifres, Velma
Sawyer, Shirley
Sharver, Edgar

Seago, William Floyd Jr. "Billy" Add me to the Cherokee alumni year 1956. Hi Ron I sure wish I could have moved back sooner to attend the last reunion and see everyone.It has been a long time since we were in class togather in Mrs. Lambs, Mrs. Brinks and Mrs.Terhune, and thanks to this web site I have a photo of the old red brick bldg. before it was torn down. Oh the memories. Well I graduated from O.S.U worked in OK city and Tulsa where I got married. We have 3 kids, one special child still at home. Recently retired from Union Pacific R.R. as a thru freight engineer in the Houston area and now live in Bartlesville Okla at 2901 SE Oakdale Pl 74006 --- 918 333-3002. (Checked in October 10, 2005)

Shook, Phillis
Short, Mary Ann
Simmons, Phyllis
Sisler, Anne (not in yearbook picture to the right; 1st on last page)
Sloan, Priscilla (not in yearbook picture to the right; 2nd in next page)
Smith, Susan Linda
Snyder, Ronnie

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Sommars, Janice (not in yearbook picture to the right; 2nd on last page)
Stanford, DeLois (not in yearbook picture to the right; 3rd on last page)
Stephens, Leon
Stiles, Judy (not in yearbook picture to the right; 4th on last page)
Stockholm, Charles
Stout, Lamont (not in yearbook picture to the right; 5th on last page)
Sutton, Ann (not in yearbook picture to the right; 6th on last page)
Sutterfield, Janet (not in yearbook picture to the right)
Swart, Mike (not in yearbook picture to the right; 7th on last page)


Terhune, Barbara Lou (not in yearbook picture to the right; 8th on last page)
Thorton, Wayne (not in yearbook picture to the right; 9th on last page)
Thurman, Ronald D (not in yearbook picture to the right; 10th on last page)
Tibbs, Kenneth (not in yearbook picture to the right; 11th on last page)
Tibbs, Sharon (not in yearbook picture to the right; 12th on last page)
Tierce, Lawanda
Tyner, Zora
Turner, Janean




Walker, Eddie
Wall, Carol
West, Charles
West, Eddie Joe
West, Earlyne Joy
Whisman, Jeanne
White, Margaret

Wilson, Jerry (not in yearbook picture to the right)
Womego, Carmaleta (not in yearbook picture to the right)




Pictures on last page of yearbook are not in alphabetic order; here are the names in the order they appear in the yearbook:

Sisler, Anne
Sommars, Janice
Stanford, DeLois
Stiles, Judy
Stout, Lamont
Sutton, Ann
Swart, Mike
Terhune, Barbara
Thorton, Wayne
Thurman, Ronald
Tibbs, Kenneth
Tibbs, Sharon

1954-1955 Cherokee Yearbook at:
has your pictures in it too.

Return turleycherokee/Cherokee1956.html Updated June 4, 2008 by Ron Ballew