Navigating Web Pages
- Links. A link is usually shown as a coloured highlight or text. This colour can change if you have used that link before. Press on this icon and it will take you back to the previous page.
Any text can be made a link . ie.Go Back will also take you back to the previous page. A link can be used for many things. A link that takes you to another computer to get a file is called an FTP link (file transfer protocol/program).
- Pictures and Icons. Web pages use pictures and icons to help you move around the pages. A house icon usually takes you back to the Home Page
We also use
to let you go back to the previous page. Use the Back and Forward buttons on the browser bar to change pages one at a time. Use the Go item on the menu bar to jump back several pages at one time. You can also type the location of new pages directly into the Location Field of your browser.
- Text Size. If you are having problems reading any of the text you can change both the size and the font your browser uses. This is done by selecting the options or the preferences and choosing a font and size of your choice.
You can also print out a page by selecting the printer icon on the title bar of your browser, or select the Print option (found under File on the title bar of your browser).
Making Your Own WEB Home Page
- How to Save a WEB page for a Sample page. You do not have to read the whole page while on-line. (on-line means your computer is connected to another computer, and running up your phone bill.) To save a page to read later, or to use for a sample WEB page, choose the Save To Disk option on your browser. You can also use the Save As option (found under File on the menu bar of your browser). You must wait until the page has been completly loaded into your browser before you can save it.
- How to Save a WEB graphic for your Home Page. Put the mouse cursor on the graphic and click the right mouse button to get a menu and select Save Image As. Select the directory to put the image in and name the image if it does not have a default name.
Sites With Helpful Links
Cameron University

Top Page,
Ron's Home
Updated 18 Mar 2000 by Ron Ballew