Rader, Winston
Rahal, Faith
Raines, Sharon (Bartlett)
Ramsey, Bill
Randeau, Barbara
Randell, Donna Sue
Randolph, James Mike
Ranson, Wayne Alan
Rash, Richard, Classmates.com
Raulston, Donald Ray
Ray, Clifford Wayne "C.W."
Ray, Eddye Robert
Reader, Sandra Kay, Classmates.com
Redford, Gene Lee
Reed, Amanda Helen
Reed, Christene Elizabeth
Reed, Fred Jr.
Reed, Glenn Edwin
Reed, Jere Ann
Reed, Mandy
Reed, Ronald Eugene "Gene"
Reeder, Charles Leroy
Reese, Geauwana Don
Reibert, Richard K.
Reynolds, Danna
Reynolds, Jimmy
Reynolds, Linda Lee
Rhodes, Carolyn
Rice, Delmas Clifton Jr.
Richardson, Lloyd Wayne
Riddle, Kenton E.
Ridley, Nancy Louann
Riggins, Carolyn Sue
Riggs Joyce Carol, Classmates.com
Riggs, Terry, Classmates.com
Rine, Paul M.
Ritchie, Alan Kent
Roberts, Carolyn
Roberts, Donna Sue (Call) Ron: A couple of updates for the class list. Robert, Donna Sue. Married name Call. Deceased 7/7/03. Thanks for maintaining the Class of '59 website. Robert Call, bobcall@sbcglobal.net , Will Rogers '59 (Updated August 25, 2003)
Roberts, Jerry E, Classmates.com
Roberts, Madelon
Robertson, Charles L, Classmates.com
Robertson, Dick
Robertson, James R.
Robins, Lahoma
Robinson, Susan
Rockett, Carol
Rodgers, Richard Albert
Rogers, Georgann, Classmates.com
Rose, Bonnie (Hunter), HighSchoolAlumni.com, Classmates.com .
Rose, Vonda (Elmore)
I LOVE this site! How cool! Thanks for doing this. Vonda (Rose) Elmore... Class of 1962
Please add: Bonnie Louise (Rose) Hunter...Class of 1959, 263 Agate Way, Broomfield, Co.;
Leslie Gay (Rose) Whittington - Class of 1964, 652 McCaleb Rd., Montgomery, Tx.; and
Janice Rae (Smith) Bradshaw - Class of 1962, 601 S. Front St., Catoosa, Ok.
(Checked in on October 22, 2005)
Rosenbum, Sandy (Wilcox)
Rosicka, Kenney
Ross, Carolyn Marie, Classmates.com
Ross, Charlene
Rough, Helen, Classmates.com
Roughley, Faye B., Classmates.com
Rowell, Larry James , Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Married Marylyn Gray in this class.
Rowland, Helen Ann , On Gradfinder.com: California, Classmates.com (Checked in on April 27, 2004)
Rowland, Shirley Lois
Rozsa, Roxana
Ruckett, Carol not in 59YB 58YB or HC59
Rusher, F. Aaron
Russell, Barbara
Russell, Thomas Earl "Tom"
Rutherford, Eldon Wade
Ryan, Thomas Anthoney "Tom"
Ryles, Ollie Mae
Return to Index
Sale, Terrance E.
Sallee, Clara
Saunders, James Will, Classmates.com
Sawyers, Shirley Ann
Scarritt, William Kenny
Schmidt, David Earl
Schoonover, Mary C.
Schreck, Phillip "Phil"
Schroeder, Carol Sue
Scifres, Velma
Scott, Patricia "Patty", Classmates.com
Scott, Peter K. "Pete"
Scott, Randolph
Scott, Tom H.
Seaba, George Don
Seago, William Floyd Jr. "Billy", "Bill"
Sechler, Suzanne
Seely, Jon Ellsworth
Seidenbach, Carol not in 59YB 58YB or HC59
Seiler, Mike
Selby, Clyde
Sellers, Jerry Lee
Sethney, Barbara
Sevall, Joe R. III
Sewell, George Edward
Shands, Ray Charles
Shannon, Darlene Kay
Sharp, George S.
Sharp, John Michael
Shelton, Janette G. "Jan"
Sherrill, Jimmie P.
Shiflett, Harold B.
Shipman, George
Shirk, Frances
Shirk, Sara Davene
Shockley, Billie J.
Shook, Phyllis
Shouse,Frankie Sue
Sieling, Vicki Sue
Simmons, Phyllis Sue
Simon, Catha
Sinclair, Jo Ann
Singleton, Joyce
Sisler, Anne
Skinner, Nina Sue
Slater, Gary Lynn
Sloan, Priscilla (Bell)
Slocum, Judy , Classmates.com
Smith, Betty Khea
Smith, Beverly
Smith, Bill
Smith, Bill L.
Smith, Dianna Sue
Smith, Don Allen
Smith, Geneva Ann
Smith, James Payne Jr. "Jimmy"
Smith, Judy Louise
Smith, Khoa
Smith, Larry D , Tulsa, Oklahoma (left in 59, not in 59YB or 58YB. IN HC59).
Smith, Lila Rhea
Smith, Michael Burwell "Mike"
Smith, Rex Kent
Smith, Ronnie
Smith, Stuart, Classmates.com
Smith, Susan Linda
Smith, Wanda Ann
Smith, William Alan (Bill), Classmates.com
Snell, David
Snow, James Wyatt
Sommars, Janice Rae (Sommers - spelling?)
Son, Phyllis Darlene
Sorrels, Larry F., Classmates.com
Souter, Richard
Southern, Patrica Nell
Spencer, Buddy
Sperber, Roslyn Phyllis
Spiers, Larry, Classmates.com
Spraker, Jo Ann "Jodie"
Spurgin, Agnes Patricia, Classmates.com
Stanford, DeLois
Starr, Hickory Jr. , Tahlequah, OK. I live in Tahlequah. (Checked in on January 3, 1998.), Classmates.com
Staton, Larry Dee
St. Clair, Carl Wayne
Steele, Melvin A
Stephens, D. Wayne
Sterk, James Richard "Jim"
Stiles, Judy (Barnett) Judy married Richard C. Barnett in the Tulsa Central Class of 1958. This is not the same Richard Charles Barnett that that was in our Tulsa Central Class of 1959. Judy's Richard contacted me in January, 2005, from this email address: richardbarnett@valornet.com . He is retired and resides in Tulsa. He will be glad to receive email from any of Judy's friends. (He did not mention it, but I heard at the Central Reunion in 2004 that Judy had passed on).
Stilwell, Don C.
Stockton, Truman Carl
Stokes, Farryl not in 59YB, 58YB. or HC59
Stokes, Jane D.
Stottlemyre, Judith
Strahan, Carolyn
Stricker, Detis
Stuntz, Ross Maxwell III
Sullivan, Diane
Sullivan, Patricia (Pat), Classmates.com
Sullivent, Robert Lowell "Bob"
Summers, Kay June
Summers, Mary Faith
Sumter, Hattie Lee
Sunday, Sherry
Sword, Patricia
Return to Index
Tadpole, Elmer Cullis Jr.
Taff, Barbara Sue
Talley, Roger Phillip
Tate, Sharon Mae (Joyner) Ron: A couple of updates for the class list. Tate, Sharon Mae. Married name Joyner, Lives in North Dallas. Thanks for maintaining the Class of '59 website. Robert Call, bobcall@sbcglobal.net , Will Rogers '59 (Updated August 25, 2003)
Taylor, Eleanor Ruth
Taylor, Gary Arthur
Taylor, Joel Leon
Tedford, James Lee
Terhune, Barbara Lou
Terrell, Francis "Cody"
Thoele, Sandra Sue "Sandy"
Thomas, David G.
Thomas, Sharon Kay
Thompson, Betty
Thompson, Harry Lee not in 59YB IN 58YB & HC59
Thompson, Patricia Ann "Patti"
Thompson, Ronald Dean
Thompson, Wilda Lee
Thornton, Howard Wayne
Thorpe, Lanny
Thurman, Ronald D.
Tibbs, Kenneth Lee
Tierce, LaWanda
Tomlinson, Patricia Fern "Pat"
Townsley, Pearl
Trotter, Treva Gay
Tucker, Theo
Turner, Bonnie
Turner, Linda Louise
Turner, Mary
Tuttle, Willard N. "Nick" , Owasso, OK, Classmates.com. Please change your address book to include the following changes OLD ADDRESS: willnickt@aol.com to NEW ADDRESS: willnickt2@sbcglobal.net Hope each of you are doing OK. Thanks, Nick (Updated August 25, 2003)
Tyner, Zora Jane
Return to Index
Van Cleave, Nancy
Vaughn, Robert
Return to Index
Wade, Myrna
Waffle, James Arnold
Wales, Patricia Sue (Boyles)
Walker, Eddie
Walker, Hubert Clifford Jr.(Cliff) , Glyfada, Greece, Classmates.com
Walker, Joy Sue
Walker, Wilson Bryan
Wallace, Pat
Walters, Douglas W. "Doug"
Walters, Margie Marie
Walters, Maynard Dale
Ward, Thomas "Bob"
Warner, Frances Junaita
Washington, Jaylene
Washington, Juan-Dola, Classmates.com
Waters, Robert S.
Watkins, Dorothy Lucille
Watkins, Lavada
Wattenbarger, Sondra Louise
Watts, Margaret Jane
Wayland, Robert Franklin Jr. "Bob" , Charleston, Illinois, Gradfinder.com, Classmates.com
Weaver, Patricia Jean
Wehnes, Charles Leroy
Welch, David Allan
Weldon, Doris
Wells, Bette Darlene
Wells, Leslie L.
Wells, Samuel David
West, Eddie Joe
West, Earlyne Joy
Whitaker, Lyn
White, Ernestine
White, Ronnie
White, Sharon Kaye
White, Walter Lawrence
Whitehouse, Jimmy Rae
Whitten, Charles Wayne
Wightman, Richard Eric
Wightman, Richard, Classmates.com
Wilder, Deanna Faye
Wilkerson, Patricia "Pat" (Thomas)
, Classmates.com
Will, Margaret Ann "Maggie" (Cornell)
Willard, Richard Leon
Williams, Frankie Lou
Williams, Joseph "Joe"
Williams, Nancy Lee (Ballew) , Deceased, Married Donald R. Ballew, brother of Ronald Ballew in this class. They had one boy, David who is in Tulsa, OK.
Williams, Suanne
Willis, Carolyn (Feldkamp)
Willis, George Wade
Wills, Loretta Mae
Wilson, Dorothy Jean
Wilson, Linda Lue
Wilson, Martha Nell
Wilson, Nathan G "Jerry" , Classmates.com
Windle, Don Lee
Wiseman, Donald
Wolfe, Billie Jean
Wolfe, George A. (Andy) , Classmates.com
Woodson, Terry
Woolsey, Robert James (Jim)

President Clinton appointed Robert James Woolsey, Jr., as his Director of Central Intelligence (DCI). for the CIA from 1993-95.
Bio from The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer
Besides serving as Director of Central Intelligence, Mr. Woolsey has served in the U.S. government as: Ambassador to the Negotiation on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), Vienna, 1989-1991; Under Secretary of the Navy, 1977-1979; General Counsel to the U.9 ' Senate Committee on Armed Services, 1970-73; Advisor (during military service) on the U.S. Delegation to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT 1), Helsinki and Vienna, 1969-1970. He was also appointed by the President as Delegate at Large to the U.S.-Soviet Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) and Nuclear and Space Arms Talks (NST), Geneva, 1983-1986.
Mr. Woolsey was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1941. He is married to Suzanne Haley Woolsey, the Chief Operating Officer of the National Academy of Sciences, and they have three sons: Robert, Daniel, and Benjamin. Mr. Woolsey attended Tulsa public schools, graduating from Tulsa Central High School in 1959. He received his B.A. Degree in 1963 from Stanford University (With Great Distinction, Phi Beta Kappa), an M.A. from Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar 1963-65, and an LL.B from Yale Law School in 1968, where he was Managing Editor of the Yale Law Journal,
Mr. Woolsey is a frequent contributor to major publications, and from time to time gives public speeches, on the subjects of foreign affairs, defense, energy, and intelligence.
Woolsey And the CIA, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
JAMES WOOLSEY The Former CIA Director Speaks on Iraq
Biography http://www.defenddemocracy.org/biographies/biographies_show.htm?doc_id=154779
Wren, Patsy Louise
Wright, Bufford Wayne
Wyer, Judith Ann "Judy"
Wyncoop, Sarah Ann "Sally" (Danielson)
Return to Index
Yost, Francis Randolph Jr. "Randy" , Classmates.com
Young, Carl H. III , Classmates.com
Young, Donna S (Lower)
Young, Jerry Don
Young, Jerry Wayne
Young, Patricia "Pat"
Young, Theola
Younger, Darrell
Younger, Don , 9916 E. 7th St., Tulsa, Oklahoma. (Married Sharon Jackson) Don left in the Senior year and is not in the yearbook.
Return to Index
Zachary, Mary Jo
Zahnd, Emma Lou
Zenor, Hughes Earl
Zingg, Susan Kathleen "Susie" (Paulson)
Zimmerman, William Lee
Zumwalt, Sally
Zuniga, Val
Updated November 17, 2008
by Ron Ballew