Alumni Lists: Just click on my address to leave EMail to
(Class of 62) to add your name to the alumni list.
OPTIONAL: Send in a list of graduates for your year from your yearbook if you still have it.
This page is for all NEO A&M College Alumni and is sponsored by the Class of 1962.
Class Lists:
Class of 1968.
Hare, Walter I., Jr.
Class of 1968 (May graduate) BS Oklahoma State University. American Indian, divorced, 4 daughters: Julie, FancySun,
Walterene, Pearle Mae. Involved in Tribal Administration and Indian Economic Development. Father lives locally in Commerce: Walter I. Hare, Sr. Commerce, OK.
(Checked in on October 22, 2002).
Class of 1965.
Barry K. Boethin
Hi Ron. Add me to the NEO Class of 1965. Thanks.
(Checked in on May 15, 2004).
Class of 1964.
Elmore, Vonda
Found on Gradfinder. Graduated from Tulsa Central High School in 1962 and from Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College in 1964. Now lives in Prineville, Oregon. Married to Wayne.
Fields, Margie
Miami, OK. Graduated from Miami High School in 1962 and attended NEO A&M in 1963. Would have been in 1964 Class. Played in Band.
Class of 1962.
Ballew, Ronald W. (Ron)
I lost my 1962 NEO A&M Yearbook in the 1972 Hurricane Agnes flood in PA. Thanks to Arlen Bradley for sending me his copy so I could post the complete class list from the yearbook. Living in Lawton, Oklahoma. (Gradfinder)
Abernathy, Jim
Allman, Jane
Archer, Joy
Arnold, Don
Baldridge, George
Ball, Benny
Ballew, Ronald Tulsa, OK. In Band and Center card game social groups.
Barlow, Stanley
Bartley, Francis
Barnes, Darrel
Barnes, Dennis
Barnes, Mike
Barnett, Robert
Bahravesh, Massoud
Barnardi, Helen Miami, OK. American beauty. Seen with Ron Ballew a couple of times. Went to Oklahoma State University. Taught school and married in Tulsa, OK.
Bereliani, Iraj (From Iran; Invited to spend Christmas vacation with Ron Ballew's family in Tulsa in 1961.)
Biggers, Buddy
Biggers, Julian
Blaylock, Beverly
Bledsoe, Donald
Bowman, Charles
Bowers, Jim
Bowles, Phillip
Boyd, Jerry
Booth, Larry
Booth, Sonny
Bradley, Arlen (Gradfinder) Donated this list by sending me his 1962 yearbook. Thanks, Arlen.
Brown, Gary
Brown, Larry Tulsa, OK. In Band social group. Best friends with Ellis Teel.
Campbell, Evelyn Miami, OK. Social director for the Band social group. Hosted parties at her house in the country.
Captain, Rex
Cannon, Jimi Kay
Carnahan, Doug
Carver, Jimmy
Cassell, Ken
Champlin, Robert
Chaney, Charles Miami, OK. (Dated Margie Field's girlfriend.)
Clanton, Jess B.
Clapp, Dale
Colburn, Sam
Collins, Reginald
Cook, Paul
Corbus, Linda
Crow, Richard
Daughterty, Ralph
Davis, Rodney (Dated Gerald's sister.)
DeLozier, Jerry
Delshad, Keramat
Dilliner, Phillis
Dodson, Gene
Duncan, Lindell
Eads, Donalene
Eads, Jimmie
Eads, Earnie
Edwards, Karen
Eikenbary, Billy
England, Odis
Estes, Jim
Evans, Don
Farney, Kathy Tulsa, OK. (Frequently seen with Ron Ballew in 1962.)
Flannery, Judy
Francis, George
Fronterhouse, Judy
Garrett, Jerry
Garvin, Don
Glenn, Ronald
Gordon, Mike
Goss, Ted
Grant, Mike
Gray, Jack
Green, Gwen Miami, OK. Special girl. Best friends with Rosemary Wood.
Grigsby, Jerry Miami, OK. (Brother of Veda Grigsby, Class of 61)
Grimes, Charles
Grover, William
Guinn, Milton
Hackett, Sandra
Hall, Oran
Hall, Sandra (Bennett) Son: Mark Alan Bennett; Grandson: Cody Alan Bennett (age 18 in 2002)(Gradfinder)
Harding, Clyde
Harding, Jim
Hare, Glenard
Hassebery, Bill
Helm, Gary
Henderson, Gary
Henry, Kenneth
Hill, Bob
Miller, Patty
Hilliard, Maedine
Holcomb, Max
Hollandsworth, Ronnie
Hooshang, Najii
Horn, Roger
Hoss, Bob
Housley, Gary
Hudson, Dana
Hulsey, Bill
Hulsey, Jack
Innman, Ronnie
Isley, Ann
Jameson, Marlene (Gradfinder)
Jayne, Phil
Jefferies, Kent
Jensen, Dennie
Jeppersen, Barry
Jolley, Gary
Jones, Dewey
Kanani, Massoud
Ketcher, Larry
Kidd, Freddie
Kimberling, Randy
Kite, Author
Krokroskia, Gary
Lamb, Doug
Layton, Linda
Larriahi, Behrooz
Lee, Gary
Lee, Ronald
Legg, James
Leslie, Ralph
Logsdon, John
Long, Jimmie (In our card game group at center.)
Long, Lillian
Lotven, Brian
Lotz, Bill
Luper, Connard (Curt) In our Center social group. Married Margie. They both went to Oklahoma State University and graduated.
McCall, Leroy
McCormick, Joe
McFadin, Chuck
McFarland, Bobby
McKee, Denny
McMillian, Rita
McNatt, Donna (Gradfinder)
McGuire, Pat
Masias, Ronnie
Mathis, Andy
Meister, Ernal
Melendez, Alexis
Melton, Diane
Middleton, Ann
Mizanian, Farrokh
Naser, Hooshang
Moore, Clayton
Morgan, Jimmy
Morris, Norman
Morrison, Richard
Mount, Billy
Odle, Charles
Olenberger, Freddie
Ogle, Lloyd
Nesbit, Spencer
Newberry, Tom
Newburn, Jodawn
Newman, Bob
Nicks, Mary (Garrette) Retired. (Gradfinder)
Nitz, Jerry
Nitz, Julia
Padgett, Nolan
Porter, Raymond
Pliler, James
Panter, Jerry
Pannell, Jerry
Powell, Carla In Band social group.
Price, Ernest
Price, Ronnie
Rastegar, Gholamali
Richards, Robert
Robbins, Paul
Ross, Marilee I asked Marilee out but she had her eye on someone else.
Rush, Ivan
Sandmire, Fauntella
Sapp, Don
Sarraf, Hadi
Schick, Tom
Schneider, John
Scott, John
Sexton, Michael
Shaffer, Ruth Ann Everyone had a crush on Ruth Ann. Played flute in Band. Double dated in our Band social group.
Sharp, James
Shaw, Tom
Sheehan, Connie
Shirley, Jerry
Siavash, Bijan
Sikes, Dale
Sikes, Raymond
Simmons, John
Simpson, Jerrold
Smith, Allan
Smith, Arthur
Smithson, Deanna
Snow, Howard
Southern, Robert
Stanley, Robert
Stebbins, Sandra
Stephens, Don
Stoner, Bonnie
Sturdy, Carolyn
Sun Eagle, Marvin
Tabrizi, Ali
Tadlock, Dave
Teel, Ellis (In Band social group.) Married Kathy. Best friends with Larry Brown.
Taylor, Tom
Thiesing, Nova Lee
Thurman, Charlene
Tucker, Gene
Vanatta, Rita Miami, OK. (Was at all our parties and picnics, either from the Band or the Center social groups.)
Vanpool, Darrell
Vernatti, Buddy
Walker, Patricia
Walton, Wilber
Ward, Steve
Wardeh, Manoucher
Watson, Raymond (Gradfinder)
Watts, Ted
Way, Bill
Weaver, Sharon
Webb, Sue Nelle
Willet, Goldie
Williams, Karen
Wills, Katie
Wilson, Marilyn
Witbracht, Connie
Witzansky, Rex
Wood, Lauren
Wood, Rosemary Miami, OK. (Best friends with Gwen Green.)
Woody, Darrell
Dastari, Ali
Farris, Wallace
Hodder, Mark
Leffler, John
Sippy, Sharyn
Waller, Warren
Young, Jerry
Ziel, Patricia
Zodrow, Mary
Class of 1961.
I lost my 1961 NEO A&M Yearbook in the 1972 Hurricane Agnes flood in PA. Thanks to Arlen Bradley, Class of 62, for sending me his copy so I could post the complete class list from the yearbook - Ron Ballew, Class of 62.
Absher, Harold Miami, OK
Allen, Verba
Anabrawi, Osama
Andrews, Jim
Apperson, Maureen
Armstrong, Bob
Ashby, Glenn
Barnett, Robert
Barnwell, Doug
Berryhill, David
Bina, Parviz
Blair, Bob
Blake, Bell
Bohannon, Larry Tulsa
Boston, Kerin
Boyd, Charles
Boyd, Kenneth
Boyd, Neva Jean
Bray, David
Bruno, Bob
Bryant, James Seneca Mo.
Burcham, Neil
Butts, Max
Calmus, Myrle
Carlyn, "Boo" Swamp Scott, Mass.
Carroll, Gary
Charter, Jerald
Chesnutt, Myrna
Christian, Marvin
Clark, Raymond
Cleveland, Dale
Coble, Donald Miami OK.
Coble, Darrell Miami OK.
Cochran, Don
Cole, Ralph Afton. My roommate in 1961.
Combs, Glen
Connely, Gary
Conner, Gerald
Cosby, Brenda
Cowley, John
Cox, Cecil
Dareing, Joe
Davis, Jack
Davis, Melvin
Davis, Sonia
Deacon, Owen Ray
Delshad, Keramat Iran
Deylami, Paraedas
Dixon, Paul
Ducotey, Paul
Duggan, Joyce
Eads, Freeman
Elliott, Flordeana
Epperson, Wayne
Essary, Bill
Everett, George
Ezzell, Bill
Fare, Jeanne
Fessler, Mary Ann
Fields, Barbara
Fisher, Ted
Foster, Helen
Foote, Marvin
Fraley, George
Franklin, Sue
Gammon, Donna
Garber, Jack
Garoutte, Phillip
Gary, Jolly
Green, Earlene
Green, Harold
Gibson, Bill
Gill, Sharon
Goodrich, Marcus
Gordon, Allan
Graves, James
Grigsby, Veda Miami, OK. (Frequently seen with Ron Ballew, Class of 62, the last semester in 1961. Sister of Jerry Grigsby, Class of 62)
Groeneman, Janice
Grover, Bill
Grunden, Kenny
Guine, Milton
Hail, Patricia
Hale, Richard
Halligan, Tom
Hanes, Joe
Harp, Steve
Harris, Calvin
Harris, Jerry
Hart, Gail
Hart, Gene
Hatfield, Richard
Henderson, Joe
Hickman, Clara
Hill, Joe
Hite, Virginia
Hodges, Jim
Hoggle, Nancy
Hollis, Patty
Holt, Fred
Holt, Leon
Horsman, Jim
Huggins, Eddie
Hutts, Joe
Jackman, Steven
Jahngiri, Forood Iran
James, Don
Javad, Torbati Iran
Javaherian, Asher Shiraz
Javine, Dale
Jenkins, Martha
Johnson, Don
Johnston, Jimmy
Jones, Clarence
Kapp, Janell Vinita
Karther, Alexander
Kerley, Pat
Kessee, Linda
Kite, Arthur
Kitlica, William
Kordestani, Amir Iran
Koscheski, Ted
Lane, Carolyn Cardin, OK.
Lansdown, Robert
Lawrence, Ann
Lewis, Gene
Lindley, Robert
Liston, Dean
Livengood, Joyce
Lock, Richard
Luckey, Sallie
Mackey, George
Maddux, Donald
Mael, Patsy
Mailath, Ethel
Manning, Coetta
Marcano, Joe
Massoud, Kanani
McBrien, Edward
McClendon, Claude
McClung, John
McDonald, James
McGee, Stan
Melton, Wayne
Milam, John
Malloy, David
Moore, Mary Jane
Moore, Mike
Moore, Treva
Mooris, Mary
Morshedi, Abdulkarim Iran
Mullin, Mike
Nelson, Stan
Newman, James
Nichols, Norris
Niehus, Carol
Nunn, James
Nye, Ronald
Oskison, John
Owen, Pearl
Payne, Paul
Palm, Linda
Patrick, Jim
Payton, Carmaleta
Philpott, Gene
Pickett, Norman
Pitman, Donne
Porter, LeRoy
Powell, Jim
Powers, Patricia
Price, Don
Provine, Mike
Ratzken, Howard
Reed, Don
Reina, Diego Venezuela
Renick, Jane
Rice, Ralph
Rhodes, Kleo
Rhodes, Robert
Rickner, Joyce
Roberts, Jack
Rowe, Jerry
Sargent, Lenoard
Schehrer, Tony
Searale, Ernie
Searcy, Donald
Seaton, Melba
Sergeant, Lee
Shafer, Brooks
Shannon, Mike
Shepherd, Sharon
Shiflett, Harold
Shockey, Kenneth
Shockey, Patty
Manouchehr, Siani Iran
Sikes, Dale
Smith, Klonie
Smith, Ronnie
Snider, Joe
Sparkman, Jan
Spriggs, Mary
Steinberg, Dick
Steward, Imogene
Stevenson, Martha
Stitch, Joan
Stipe, Bob
Szenderski, Tim
Taggart, Eugene
Thompson, Lance
Thomlison, Ronnie
Topping, Donald
Tosh, Lola
Underwood, Bill
Utsler, Jane
Vanpool, John
Vanover, Price
Veale, Martin
Walker, John
Walters, Maynard
Watkins, Maxine
Watts, Bill
Weintraub, Steve
West, Joe Tulsa, OK. (Graduated from Tulsa Central High in my class in 1959. We were in Boy Scouts together in Elementary School days.)
Westfall, Terry
Wheeler, Charles
White, Jim
Whitney, Linda
Whittington, Ardis M.
Wiford, James
Williams, Orvan
Wilcox, Connie
Wilson, Eldon
Winton, Jerry
Witt, Frank
Wolff, Norman
Womack, Alice
Wyatt, Harriett Miami, OK. My visiting brother and I met Harriet in the Miami Drug Store and I introduced her by name. My brother said, "Gee, you must know everyone in town." Harriett said, "No, He just knows their name." I ran into Harriett several times after than in town and we made casual conversation.
Young, Jerry
Wade, Dean
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Updated May 15, 2004 by Ron Ballew