U.S. Office of Personnel Management
Directory of
in the
May 1999
directory lists national and international unions and associations which
have, either directly or through local units, exclusive recognition with
departments and agencies of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government
and the U. S. Postal Service. The abbreviations used are, in most
instances, the official ones for these organizations, and are used in
Office of Personnel Management reports and publications.
listing is in alphabetical order by abbreviation of the organization name.
Listings for the U. S. Postal Service, the Public Employee Department
(AFL-CIO) and the Metal Trades Department (AFL-CIO) are found on the last
5 pages.
MANAGEMENT 1900 E Street, NW, Washington, DC
20415-2000 lmr@opm.gov
(202) 606-2930
1. (AAE) National Association of Aeronautical
Examiners (Ind) 2239 Hyde Park Road Jacksonville, FL
32210 Phone: (904)
542-0757 President: Richard Carroll
Executive Vice President: Jim
2. (ACT) Association of Civilian Technicians
(Ind.) 12510B Lake Ridge Drive Lake Ridge, VA
22192 Phone: (703)
690-1330 President: John T.
Hunter Vice-President: Thomas
3. (AFGE) American Federation of Government Employees
(AFL-CIO) 80 F St., NW. Washington, DC
20001 Phone: (202)
639-6435 President: Bobby
Harnage Secretary-Treasurer: Rita
4. (AFSA) American Foreign Service Association (Ind.) 2101
E St., NW. Washington, DC 20037
Phone: (202) 647-8160 President: Dan
5. (AFSCME) American Federation of State, County, and
Municipal Employees 1625 L. St, NW. Washington, D.C.
20036 Phone: (202) 452-4800/ (fax)
429-1000 President: Gerald
McEntee Secretary-Treasurer: William
6. (AFU) Alaska Fishermen's Union (Ind.) 2505 St.
Avenue Room 3 Seattle, WA
98121 Phone: (206)
441-3425 President: Mark T.
7. (AMC) American Maritime Congress 1300 Eye Street,
NW. Suite 250 West Washington, DC
20005 Phone: (202)
842-4900 Director: Glorin Tosi
Deputy Director: Thomas
8. (ANA) American Nurses Association (Ind.) 600
Maryland Avenue, SW. Suite 100 West Washington, DC
20024-2571 Phone: (202)
651-7000 President: Beverly
Malone Executive Director: David
9. (APWU) American Postal Workers Union (AFL-CIO) 1300 L
Street, NW. Washington, DC
20005 Phone: (202)
842-4200 President: Moe
Biller President: William
Burrus General Executive
Vice-Secretary-Treasurer: Bob Tunstall
10. (BNA) Balboa Registered
Nurses Association (Ind.) United Nurses Association of
California NUHHCE, AFSCME, AFL-CIO 300 S. Park Avenue Suite
840 Pomona, CA 91766 Phone: (909)
620-7749 President: Kathy
Sackman Vice President: Sonia
11. (BPAT) International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied
Trades of the United States and Canada (AFL-CIO) United Nations
Building 1750 New York Avenue NW Washington, DC
20006 Phone: (202)
637-0700 President: Michael E.
Monroe Secretary-Treasurer: James A.
12. (CBTC) Columbia Basin Trades Council (AFL-CIO) 2800
1st Avenue Room 301 Seattle, WA
98121-99352 Phone: (206)
443-1239 President: Steve
Angenbroad Secretary and Treasurer: John
13. (CIR) Committee of Interns and Residents
(Ind.) 386 Park Avenue South Room 1502 New York, NY
10016 Phone: (212)
725-5500 Executive Director: March
14. (CJA) United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of
America (AFL-CIO) 101 Constitution Avenue, NW. Washington, DC
20001 Phone: (202)
546-6206 President: Douglas J.
McCarron Vice-President: Douglas
15. (CPTC) Columbia Power Trades Council (AFL-CIO) 17200
NE Sacramento Street Grisham, OR
97230 Phone: (503)
262-9125 President: Don
Wheeler Executive Secretary: Bill
16. (CREA) Congressional Research Employees Association -
Affiliated with International Federation of Professional and Technical
Engineers, Local 75 (AFL-CIO) Congressional Research Employee
Association 101 Independence Ave SE Room LM 412 Washington, DC
20541 Phone: (202)
707-7636 President: Dennis Roth
Vice-President: Angela Smith & John
17. (DEC) Depot Employees Council (Ind.) P.O. Box
960001 Building 231 DDJi0 Stockton, CA
95296-0236 Phone: (209)
832-9548 President: Raymond
18. (ESCA) Engineers and Scientists of California -
Affiliated with Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association (AFL-CIO) 1540
San Pablo Avenue 8th floor Oakland, CA
94612 Phone: (510) 238-8320 / (fax)
238-8950 Business Manager: Ben
19. (FEA) Federal Education Association (Ind.) 1201 16th
Street NW. Suite 117 Washington, DC
20036 Phone: (202)
822-7850 President: Jane A.
Mohr Vice President: Karen Rose
20. (FFA) Federal Firefighters Association (Ind.) P.O. Box
8459 Washington DC, 20336-8459 Phone:
(202) 433-3334 President: Steve Sheriff
Vice President: Bill Rabbitt
Secretary: Dan Kwiatkowsky
21. (FLEA) Federal Law
Enforcement Association 350 Old Country Road, Suite 101 Garden City,
NY 11530 Phone: (516)
228-3536 President: Richard
Gallo Vice President: Walter
22. (FOP) Fraternal Order of Police (Ind.) 1410
Donaldson Pike, Suite A17 Nashville, TN
37217 Phone: (615)
399-0900 President: Gilbert
Gallegos National Secretary: Jerry Atnip
Fraternal Order of
Police U.S. Park Police Labor Comittee 1100 Ohio Drive
SW Washington, DC 20003 Or P.O. Box 15179 Washington DC
20003-0179 Phone (202) 488-3640 Chairman: Peter Ward (202)
215-5995 Executive Director: Leon
23. (GCIU) Graphic Communications International Union
(AFL-CIO) 1900 L Street, NW. Washington, DC 20036 Phone (202)
462-1400 President: James
Norton Secretary-Treasurer: Gerald H.
24. (IAFF) International Association of Fire Fighters
(AFL-CIO) 1750 New York Avenue, NW. Washington, DC
20036 Phone: (202)
737-8484 President: Alfred K.
Whitehead Secretary-Treasurer: Vincent J.
25. (IAM) International Association of Machinists and
Aerospace Workers (AFL-CIO) 9000 Machinists Place Upper Marlboro, MD
20772-2687 Phone: (301)
967-4500 President: Thomas
Buffenbarger Secretary-Treasurer: Donald
26. (IAS) International Association of Sideographers
(AFL-CIO) Local 2135 IAM and A.W. 507 Wilderness Road Louisville
KY, 40214 Phone: (502)
361-2860 President: James W.
27. (IATC) International Association of Tool Craftsmen
(Ind.) 3591 13th Avenue Racine, WI
53403 Phone: (309)
782-5776 Secretary: Michael
28. (IATSE) International Alliance of Theatrical Stage
Employees and Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the
United States and Canada (AFL-CIO) 1515 Broadway Suite 601 New
York, NY 10036 Phone (212)
730-1770 President: Thomas C.
29. (IBEW) International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
(AFL-CIO) 1125 15th Street, NW. Washington, DC
20005 Phone: (202)
833-7000 President: John J.
Barry Secretary: Edwin Hill
30. (IBFO) International Brotherhood
of Firemen and Oilers (AFL-CIO) 1900 L. Street NW Suite
502 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202)
872-3600 President: George J. Francisco
Jr. Secretary-Treasurer: Daniel S.
Anderson Jr.
31. (IBT) International Brotherhood of Teamsters,
Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America (AFL-CIO) 25 Louisiana
Avenue, NW. Washington, DC
20001 Phone: (202) 624-6800 Elected
President: James P.
Hoffa Secretary-Treasurer: Thomas
32. (ICWU) International Chemical Workers Union (AFL-CIO) of
the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union 1655 West
Market Street Akron, OH
44313-7095 Phone: (330)
867-2444 President: Frank D.
Martino Secretary-Treasurer: Larry
33. (IFPTE) International Federation of Professional and
Technical Engineers (AFL-CIO) 8630 Fenton Street Suite 400 Silver
Springs, MD 20910 Phone (301)
565-9016 President: Paul E.
Almedia Secretary-Treasurer: Gregory
34. (IGUA) International Guard Union of America
(Ind.) Red River Army Depot Bowie, TX 75507-5000 OR P.O. Box
1417 Hooks, TX 75561-1417 Phone: (903)
334-2911 President: David Hulsey
35. (IUOE) International Union of Operating Engineers
(AFL-CIO) 1125 17th Street, NW. Washington, DC
20036 Phone: (202)
429-9100 President: Frank
Hanley General Secretary-Treasurer: Budd
36. (IUPA) International Union of Police Associations
(AFL-CIO) 1421 Prince Street Suite 330 Alexandria, VA
22314 Phone: (703)
549-7473 President: Sam
Cabral Secretary-Treasurer: Richard
37. (LIUNA) Laborers' International Union of North America
(AFL-CIO) 905 16th St. NW Washington, DC
20006 Phone: (202)
737-8320 President: Arthur A.
Coia General Sec: Carl Booker
38. (MAP) Michigan Association of
Police (Ind.) 26400 Lahser Suite 111 Southfield, MI 48034
Phone: (248)
304-8800 President: Don
Sanderson Executive Director: Fred
39. (MEBA) National Marine Engineers' Beneficial
Association (AFL-CIO) 444 North Capitol Street NW Suite
800 Washington, DC 20001 Phone: (202)
638-5355 President: Larry
O=Toole Secretary Treasurer: Bob
40. (MMP) International Organization of Masters, Mates
and Pilots (ILA-Marine Division) - Affiliated with International
Longshoremen's Association (AFL-CIO) 700 Maritime
Boulevard Linthicum Heights, MD
21090 Phone: (410)
850-8700 President: Timothy A.
Brown Secretary-Treasurer: James T.
41. (MSPB/PA) Merit Systems Protection Board/ Professional
Association (Ind.) New York Field Office MSPB 26 Federal Plaza, 31st
Floor Suite 3137A New York, NY
10278 Phone: (202)
653-6772 Chairman: Ben
Edreich Vice-Chair: Susan
42. (NAAE) National Association of Agricultural Employees
(Ind.) 1170 Aycock Dairy Farm Road Fremont, NC 27830-9011
Phone: (919) 242-9746 / (919) 242-9749
(fax) President: Susan P.
Kostelecky Vice-President: Craig
Kellog Charles Watson
43. (NAATA) National Army Air Technicians
Association - Affiliated with American Federation of Government Employees
Local 371. 3650 Saylors Pond Road Fort Dix, NJ
08640 Phone: (201) 835-9219 / (732)
828-9449 President: Benjamin
Humphrey Vice President: Charles
44. (NAATS) National Association of Air Traffic Specialists
(Ind.) 11303 Amherst Avenue Suite 4 Wheaton, MD
20902 Phone: (301)
933-6228 President: Wally Pike
45. (NAGE) National Association of Government Employees and
International Brotherhood of Police Officers - Affiliated with Service
Employees' International Union (AFL-CIO) Washington Area Office: 317
South Patrick Street Alexandria, VA
22314 Phone: (703) 519-0300 (FAX)
519-0311 President: Ken
Headquarters: 159 Burgin Parkway Quincy, MA
02169-4213 Phone: (617)
376-0220 President: Kenneth T.
Lyons National Vice-President: Susanne
46. (NAGI) National Association of Government Inspectors-
IFPTE Local 8 (Ind.) P.O. Box 181352 Coronado, CA
92178-1352 Phone: (619)
545-2155 President: Earl
Bryers Vice-President: Rick
47. (NAPFE) National Alliance of Postal and Federal
Employees (Ind.) 1628 11th Street, NW. Washington, DC
20001 Phone: (202)
939-6325 President: James
McGee Vice-President: Charles
48. (NATCA) National Air Traffic Controllers Association -
(MEBA/AFL-CIO) 1150 17th St., NW. Suite 701 Washington, DC
20036 Phone: (202)
223-2900 President: Michael
McNally Executive
Vice-President: Randy Schwitc
(NEA) National Education Association (Ind.) 1201 16th Street,
NW. Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202)
833-4000 President: Robert
Chase Executive Director: Don
50. (NFFE) National Federation of Federal Employees
(Ind.) 1016 16th Street, NW. Washington, DC
20036 Phone: (202)
862-4400 President: Richard Brown
Secretary-Treasurer: Thomas Ray
(NLRBPA) National Labor Relations Board Professional Association
(Ind.) 1099 14th St., NW. Suite 8824 Washington, DC
20570 Phone: (202)
273-3771 President: David
Seddelmeyer Vice-President: Leslie
52. (NLRBU) National Labor Relations Board Union
(Ind.) NLRB Albuquerque Resident Office 505 Marquette, NW., Room
1820 Albuquerque, NM 87102 Phone:
(505) 248-5132 President: Lew
53. (NTEU) National Treasury Employees Union (Ind.) 901 E
Street, NW. Suite 600 Washington, DC
20004 Phone: (202)
783-4444 President: Robert
Tobias Executive Vice-President: Colleen
54. (NULI) National Union of Labor Investigators
(Ind.) (Formerly the National Union of Compliance Officers) 1222
Spruce, Room 9.109E St. Louis, MO
63103 Phone: (314)
539-2667 President: Ralph
55. (NWSEO) National Weather Service Employees Organization
- Affiliated with Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association
(AFL-CIO) 601 Pennsylvania Ave., NW. Suite 900 Washington, DC
20004 Phone: (202)
434-8245 President: Ramon
56. (OFT) Overseas Federation of Teachers (AFL-CIO) 555
NJ Avenue NW Washington, DC
20001 Phone:
011-390-586-503418 President: Marie
Sainz-Funaro Regional Director: Sandy Wiesmann
57. (OPEIU)
Office and Professional Employees International Union (AFL-CIO) 265 W.
14th Street Suite 610 New York, NY
10011 Phone: (212)
675-3210 President: Michael
Goodwin Secretary-Treasurer: Gilles
58. (PAACE) Professional Association of Aeronautical
Center Employees 5710 SW 63rd Building L Oklahoma City, OK
73169-6974 Phone: (405) 954-3685 /
954-3220 President: Samuel B. Hendrix,
III Executive Vice-President: Jerri Carr
59. (PASS) Professional Airways System Specialists (AFL-CIO) 1150
17th St, NW. Suite 702 Washington, DC
20036 Phone: (202)
293-7277 President: Michael
Fanfalone Vice-President: Tom
60. (PBA) Police Benevolent Association (Ind.) 1900
Brannan Road McDonough, GA
30253 Phone:
1-(800)-827-2215 President: Jack
Roberts Office Manager: Renee Dickson 61. (PESO) Professional
Engineers and Scientists Organization - Affilliated with International
Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers- (AFL-CIO) P. O. Box
180866 Coronado, CA 92178 Phone: (619)
545-2710 President: Jim Leland
(PIU) Pace International Union (Former Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers
International Union (AFL-CIO) 255 Union Boulevard Lakewood, CO
80228 Phone: (303)
987-2229 President: Boyd
Young Secretary: R.J. Christie Treasurer: James Dunn
(POPA) Patent Office Professional Association (Ind.) P. O. Box 2745
Arlington, VA 22202 Phone: (703)
308-0818 President: Ronald J.
Stern Vice-President: Lawrence J.
64. (PPDSE) International Plate Printers, Die Stampers and
Engravers Union of North America (AFL-CIO) 14th & C Streets,
SW. Washington, DC 20228 Phone: (202)
874-2693 President: Daniel
Bradley Vice-President: William
65. (PPF) United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices
of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada
(AFL-CIO) P. O. Box 37800 Washington, DC
20013 Phone: (202)
628-5823 General President: Martin J.
Maddaloni General Secretary-Treasurer:
Thomas A. Patchelo
66. (PPMWS) Printing, Publishing, & Media
Workers of the CWA (Communications Workers of America) - Formerly the
International Typographical Union (AFL-CIO) 501 3rd Street,
NW. Washington, DC 20001-2797 Phone:
(202) 434-1100 President: Morton
Bahr Secretary-Treasurer: Barbara
67. (RWDSU) Retail, Wholesale and Department Store
Unions (AFL-CIO) 30 East 29th Street New York, NY
10016 Phone: (212)
684-5300 President: Stuart
Appelbaum Secretary-Treasurer: Charlie N.
Hall Sr.
68. (SEIU) Service Employees International Union
(AFL-CIO) 1313 L Street, NW. Washington, DC
20005 Phone: (202)
898-3200 President: Andy
Stern Secretary-Treasurer: Betty
69. (SIU) Seafarers' International Union of North
America (AFL-CIO) 5201 Auth Way Camp Springs, MD
20746 Phone: (301)
899-0675 President: Michael
Sacco Executive Vice-President: John
70. (SMW) Sheet Metal Workers International Association
(AFL-CIO) 1750 New York Avenue NW Washington, DC
20006 Phone: (202)
783-5880 President: Michael
Sullivan Secretary-Treasurer: A.T.
71. (SPORT) SPORT Air Traffic Controllers Organization
(Ind.) 44335 Westridge Drive Lancaster, CA
93536 Phone: (805)
277-3555 President: Richard
72. (UFCWU) United Food and Commercial Workers
International Union (AFL-CIO) 1775 K Street, NW. Washington, DC
20006 Phone: (202)
223-3111 President: Douglas H.
Dority Secretary-Treasurer: Joseph C.
73. (UNAC) United Nurses Associations of California
(AFL-CIO) NUHHCE, AFSCME 300 S. Park Avenue Suite 840 Pomona,
CA 91766 Phone: (909)
620-7749 President: Cathy Sackman,
RN Vice-President: Sonia Moseley,
74. (UPSA) United Police and Security Association
(Ind.) 25600 Chrisman Road Building 1A Tracey, CA 95376 Phone
(209) 832-9302 President: James E. Dukas
Jr. Vice President: James
75. (UPTO) United Power Trades Organization (Ind.) P.
O. Box 306 Lebanon, OR 97355 Phone:
(541) 451-3490 President: Thomas W.
Gjovik Secretary: Claude
76. (VASNC) Veterans Affairs Staff Nurses Council ATTN:
Nursing Service (118) Veterans Affairs Medical Center 5000 W.
National Milwaukee, WI 53295 Phone:
(414) 384-2000 Ext. 1705 President: Patty
Ratkowski Vice-President: Del
77. (WPESTA) West Point Elementary School Teachers
Association (Ind.) 705A Barry Road West Point, NY
10996-1196 Phone: (914) 938-2923
President: Dorthea McGuigan
1. (APWU) American
Postal Workers Union (AFL-CIO) 1300 L Street, NW. Washington, DC
2005 Phone:
(202)842-4200 President: Morris
Biller General Executive Vice President:
William Burris
2. (NALC) National Association of Letter Carriers
(AFL-CIO) 100 Indiana Avenue, NW. Washington, DC 20001 Phone
(202) 393-4695 President: Vincent R.
Sombrotto Secretary-Treasurer: William R.
3. (NAPS) National Association of Postal Supervisors
(Ind.) 1727 King Street Suite 400 Alexandria, VA
22314-2753 Phone: (703)
836-9660 President: Vincent
Palladino Executive Vice President:
Margaret Grant
4. (NAPUS) National Association of Postmasters of
the United States (Ind.) 8 Hebert Street Alexandria, VA
22305 Phone: (703)
683-9027 President: David
Games Executive Director: Kenneth
5. (NLP) National League of Postmasters (Ind.) 1023
North Royal Street Alexandria, VA
22314-1569 Phone: (703)
548-5922 President: Bill
Brennan Executive Dir.: Richard A.
Weinberg 6. (NPMHU) National Postal Mail Handlers Union 1101
Conneticut Avenue, NW. Suite 500 Washington, DC
20036 Phone: (202)
833-9095 National President: William H.
Quinn National Secretary-Treasurer: Mark
A. Gardner
7. (NRLCA) National Rural Letter Carriers' Association
(Ind.) 1630 Duke Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone (703)
684-5545 President: Scottie B.
16th Street, NW Room 503 Washington, DC
20006 Phone: (202)
347-7255 President: John F. Meese
International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and
Asbestos Workers
International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Shipbuilders,
Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America
International Chemical Workers Union
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
International Association of Fire Fighters
Laborers International Union of North America
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
Office and Professional Employees International Union
International Union of Operating Engineers
International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades of the
United States and Canada
Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons
Service Employees International Union
Sheet Metal Workers International Association
International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and
Helpers of America
International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and
Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada
International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers
Operative Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States
and Canada
Page created 18 May 1999